
Things to avoid when creating a website

Things to avoid when creating a website


We’ve all seen some great websites and we’ve come across some awful ones too. As we’ve been developing websites for many years we thought we’d tell you a bit about some of the things to avoid when creating a website:



  • Flash intros

These were great in their day but now they are an unnecessary nuisance.


  • Unclear homepages

Homepages should be easy on the eye so visitors can easily see what the site is about.


  • Confusing navigation

Websites should have clear navigation to lead visitors through the site and allow them to find information easily.


  • Pretentious messages

We don’t want to visit a website that only tells us how wonderful the company is or about their amazing customer service. Websites should clearly tell visitors what the site is about, provide relevant information and the benefits to them.


  • Non-existing ‘home’ and ‘contact’ buttons

Failing to include a ‘home’ or ‘contact’ button can leave visitors feeling frustrated. Make it easy for people to use your site by including them somewhere they can be found on every page of your site. We often want to return to the homepage for information, and you certainly don’t want to miss an opportunity because someone couldn’t find your contact details.


  • Who are you talking to?

Websites should be talking to the person who is reading it, not a third person. Always write copy as if you are talking to someone face-to-face.


  • How much information?!

Don’t use your website as a ‘dump’ for information. Decide what you want to tell your visitors in the simplest and most straightforward way possible. Visitors don’t have time to sit and read lots of copy so write your site highlighting the most important points you want to make – people will always contact you if they want more information.


  • Moving images

Moving images can be distracting, especially if there are lots of them on one page. If you need to use animation use it sensibly!


  • Please, no sound!

Adding sound to your website can be irritating and intrusive. Even a fantastically developed website can be overwhelmed by the sudden drone of music. Don’t assume visitors are in the position to listen to it as soon as the page has loaded, give visitors the option to turn the music/video on if they want to. Opening a webpage to be assailed with music when you are in a meeting – awkward!


  • Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are a great way to move visitors around your site, provide more information and link to recognised bodies for extra kudos, but please make sure the links are actually links. Without the hyperlink people can’t click on it and your site will go down in their estimations.


  • Chaotic and confusing webpages

Don’t make your webpages too busy or it will be difficult for visitors to read. Here are a few things to avoid:

o   Text that is too small

o   Coloured text on a coloured background

o   Lots of different typefaces

o   Too many ‘call to action’ on one page


  • How to get in touch?

Many websites have a ‘contact us’ page that only offers visitors a form to fill out. While this is a good form of communication, and we would say necessary for a website to have, this can deter people from following through with a purchase if it is the only form of communication available. Including other contact details such as email address, telephone number and address will build confidence because if needed you can be contacted in a variety of different ways.


It’s better to have no website than a poor one.